Monday, November 8, 2010

Setting And Characters-

        Setting And Characters
By Mehryar Zahed

A Picture showing both Setting and Characters of 300
         The story of 300 is a story that has been modified by author Frank Miller into one of the greatest graphic novels of all time. The graphic novel is well written and very well illustrated ,when reading you have many visuals to look at that help tell the story. Its an interesting story with many different characters in it. Its a graphic novel like no other. I will describe the setting and characters in this response.
         The story of 300 is set to take place late 480 B.C. The book itself has many different settings from Greece to Persia. But the main spot where all the battles had happened  was at the gates of Greece in Thermopylae. Where the story took place has a huge impact on the plot because where the battle happened was right where the Persians were trying to enter and take over. But the Spartans did not allow for that to happen. The stopped them in their tracks before they were able to get past and run through Thermopylae. A more violent and dark mood is set because of the setting. That is because Thermopylae is a very rocky and wooded area. Its basically a jungle gym for violence. There is a huge cliff where people can fall off and land in the water or rocks. It gives the story a more violent theme because of it. When looking at the setting you see how dangerous it looks and how unsafe it is. There is no where to hide and cliffs everywhere ,so it makes the more violent ,dark theme come about.
       The characters are more dynamic and every single one is different than the other. The main character
King Leonidas is a more ruthless and self driven character. He plays many roles ,such as a warrior ,father and a leader . He sticks to all parts and does them all properly. Then there is Xerxes ,the Persians leader. He is a cold blooded and blood driven man. He does not care for nothing but victory and will stop at nothing to get it.  The characters are all different in many ways from body shape to personality. You can easily pick out who is who. These characters are all developed mainly through their actions. For King Leonidas you get to see the story of how he turned into one of the greatest warriors of all time. The rest of the characters you don't really get to see as much but you see how they fight for their country. Its mainly their actions that show you who they are. That is how we get to see how their developed. Almost every character has a moment to show what they are capable of in the story. So their appearance is also another way that their developed.
The protagonist of this story is King Leonidas because it explains his life the most. We see how he grew up and how he leads all the Spartans to victory in the end. The Antagonist would be Xerxes because he is set to go against what ever the king does and throw him down from his power. Both men have a good army behind them as well. King Leonidas had the Spartan Army of 300 and Xerxes has the Persian army of the millions.
               The settings and characters are a huge part of the plot because they both have a huge part to the plot. Each character being different makes the story a better read. The fact that the setting is real open and dangerous makes a more violent graphic novel .In all their both perfect for this story.

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