By Mehryar Zahed
This graphic novel is very well illustrated and is really detailed. Although some characters may look the same their all still well illustrated. Since this graphic novel does not have many pages or writing they use the pictures and illustration as way to help tell the story.The design and color is all really alike. The characters are drawn with more dark colors but the color red stands out the most. When blood is splattered it strands out more than any other color . That is because all the other colors are more of shades and dark colors so they just blend in more. Lines are a used a lot on the warriors body to show their abs and it is also on their capes. Their weapons also have lines all around them that connect to create a design. The characters all have a real different shape. The monsters are more round and bulky while the warriors would be more thick but very well built. These shapes help us see what the character that we are seeing is capable of. The direction is also makes a huge difference. A perfect example is when the warriors are about to fight ,one side is point their arrows to the opposing side. It draws the readers attention to the middle and then when you look down you see they are all fighting in that same place the arrows were directed to. The direction is well directed because usually what the author makes the characters in a way point their weapon or put a symbol in a area to make you look there. ,he makes a way of direction to draw your attention to that area. The size changes from each template of the page. The smaller boxes represent a small scene or a minor situation in the story. But huge or full page sections are usually for the battle scenes or fights and major conflicts. The color and value is more of a dark shades with mainly grey ,black and a golden colors used. The only color they make stand out the most is the color red. It stands out on the capes of the warriors and the blood.
Over all the illustration and visual aspect of this graphic novel is very well illustrated. When reading you can easily pick out the more big situations from the small situations and you can also see that the color red is specifically meant to stand out. You could just look at the picturers and be able to know what they were trying to say. This was very well made.
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