Sunday, October 10, 2010

Worst Actor

Worst Actor Ever
 Social Network was a pretty good movie that just came out into theaters. It allowed you to see how face book came about into this number one social network today. The movie itself was not bad in my opinion ,through the whole movie there was one thing i hated the most and that thing was Jesse Eisenberg. In the movie he represented the Creator of face book Mark Zuckerberg and i think that he did a horrible job. Not only did he talk to fast but he was just to much. I honestly did not understand half the things he was saying. It was like he was racing himself in some sort of way to see how fast he could talk. The whole movie i tried to pay close attention to it and eventually it just got annoying. The people who i went to see the movie with said they hated Jesse as well. 3 of the people i went with ended up falling asleep during the movie because it was just such horrible acting. It made me hate facebook even more than i do (because its the main reason my grades aren't at their highest). When i got home i was like wow they honestly should not of picked this guy to play him. The rest of the cast like Justin Timberlake and Andrew Garfeild did a great job. I hated that guy so much that i made a call to my aunt in Los Angeles (who was actually the production assistant for the movie don't believe me here's the link and just told her how much i hated him as an actor. I truly hope i don't end up seeing that guy in any other blockbuster movies because i think he really sucks and i wouldn't want another movie to go to waste!

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