Saturday, October 9, 2010

I Just Dont Get It

 I understand that Johnny Depp is a very talented actor but personally i don't think he is that much of a good actor. His movies don't really wow me that much because i don't get him. I'm very confused by him and who he really is. He is one of those people who you can not ever tell his personality. Actors like Will Farrell and Jim Carrey's personality easily stand out ,you can tell in real life that they are actually funny people. Johnny Depp has many different personalities , you wouldn't be able to say if hes funny ,outgoing , cheerful or any of that. In his movies he plays many different characters with different personalities. Movies like Edwards Sciccorhands ,in that movie he is more of a serious role . Or as captain Jack Sparrow where he  is more of a humorous person.Even in Willy Wonka he was really suspicious. I just don't understand whats going on with him. Even in his interviews he comes off very weird. I would like to see him in a normal day and see how his life really is like.

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