Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Response about the Graphic Novel By Mehryar Zahed

1)What did you like about creating your own graphic novel? What did you like the least?My favorite thing about creating this graphic novel was the fact that I was able to transform a picture taken for another reason and create a story line behind it. I had a picture of me sleeping when I had gotten a bump on my four head in the summer, I was able to make that picture become a part of my graphic novel by adding in a speech bubble. I was able to create what ever I wanted with my imagination. What I didn’t like was how I had to resize all the photos every single time. The comic strip template had a certain size and my photo had to suit that size. It was a hassle because I had to form everything to suit that template. Another thing I didn’t like was the speech bubbles and how they sometimes covered something in the picture. Even if I moved it around ,it would still cover something that may be important and that got kind of annoying.
2)If you could do this assignment again or differently, what would you change and why?If I could do this assignment again I would probably try and use a template that had less comic strips or sections on it. It got quite hard to fill up every single scene and put in new ideas. Also instead of putting speech bubbles for every single scene I would just put in the text box. It was unnecessary to make every single scene have a speech bubble within it. I would also try and make a proper story line with more ideas in it. I would prefer to make it more broad instead of having it based on one topic. If you look at other graphic novels that were made in the past they have a broad story line instead of being focused one single topic. My graphic novel was based one thing and that was getting shoes ,so next time I would try and make it a tiny bit more broad ,so it would be a lot easier to make.
3)How does this type of assignment fit or not fit into your learning preference?I would say that it does contribute to my learning preference by teaching me how to create a graphic novel. Since we were learning about them we were able to add in our own idea of what a graphic novel really was. It helped us make that effect and learn how they are made. I would say it did not fit in because we made our own storylines and created it the way we wanted. I feel like I didn’t learn that much from this because you can just read a graphic novel and know how its made and what the platform is.
4)If you would give someone tips or pointers about this project ,what would you tell them and why?If I were to give someone tips about this project I would first tell them to make sure they have a proper story line created as a backbone. Do not jump into the project and work on it as you go. Plan it out first because if you don’t it will get you stuck. Also try and create a script but you will end up modifying it when you transfer it into the speech bubble. You need to make sure that everything makes sense. Also If you want to add in any pictures make sure to be creative with the picture. If you have a picture of someone running randomly ,you can somehow use that picture and make it become related to your graphic novel. That’s was cool about it.

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