Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Best Invention Ever

Ipod Touch
 One of my favourite items that i own is my Ipod Touch. Other then itunes i don't see any problems with it. It is literally the best handheld item out on the market. When ever your waiting for a bus or a movie to start you can just play a game on it to kill the time. Or check facebook,twitter and all that. Another great thing about it is the fact that it can be jail broken. My old ipod was but it was then broken and stolen :(. But i recently purchased a new 3rd gen ipod touch and still haven't jail broken it. All the games have been legally bought on this :) These ipods are getting more and more hi tech which is a great thing. The newer ipod touches will now be coming with a installed camera in it so you can take pictures. As soon as their able to get wifi on them for free it will be perfect. Other than my huge addiction to shoes and blackberry's i would say the ipod touches come 3rd place for my top things i love. The fact that i can play movies and TV shows clearly on it where ever i go excites me. Sometimes when your going for a long drive its good to just upload a movie on it and watch it while on the long drive. Its a pretty good thing to have around. Its small and very light and it dose not take up much space in your pocket so you can basically have it where ever you go. In the end i would like to say Ipod touches are hands down one of the best creations apple ever made.

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